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Where was your most memorable experience in elementary school?  


Was it in a classroom, in the gymnasium, the locker room, in a hallway or the staircase between classes? 


The most impactful learning experiences happen in a variety of physical environments; yet the classroom has traditionally been regarded as the most identifiable place for basic formal learning. 

But was the formal learning experience what made the greatest lifelong-learning impression on you today?


In Lost In Space Joseph Kosiorek will share with you why this experience is critically important. You will learn why the traditional physical learning environment, the classroom alone, is no longer an effective model for PreK-12 education.  


You will take a journey through time and space, understand why the classroom hasn’t changed in over 150 years, and be able to visualize what a better learning environment model looks like. How space impacts our learning both personally and systemically will change the way you look at the schools in your community.  


Lost In Space will provide you with the fundamental tools necessary to provide learning environments inclusive of all learnings, and set you on a course for meaningful change.


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